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Chemistry World

Accelerating materials discovery with HPC and AI

Dr. Nathan Baker shares some of Microsoft's latest updates, including how a collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is demonstrating methods to accelerate scientific discovery for energy storage solutions. Together, the teams have been able to discover and synthesize a material that shows potential for resource-efficient batteries in less than nine months. We explore how advancements in HPC and AI are accelerating the next frontier of scientific breakthroughs, in turn compressing the next 250 years of chemistry into the next 25.


Explore the playlist

Video: The topological gap protocol

Dr. Chetan Nayak discusses Microsoft’s recent work on topological quantum computing and the topological gap protocol.

Video: Quantum innovator series with Dr. Krysta Svore

Dr. Krysta Svore discusses Microsoft's path to quantum at the challenging but promising approach to getting there.

Video: Quantum innovator series with Dr. Matthias Troyer

Dr. Matthias Troyer discusses the kinds of problems we can solve today with quantum simulation.

Video: Integrated hybrid quantum computing

An in-depth discussion from the Microsoft Quantum team on newly released integrated hybrid capabilities.