Explore quantum
The Q# language
The Q# language
Q# is a programming language designed by Microsoft specifically for quantum computing. Q# is part of Microsoft’s Quantum Development Kit (QDK) and is designed specifically to support the development of future large-scale quantum applications while still supporting ongoing research on current quantum hardware. Q# is a stand-alone language offering a high level of abstraction. There is no notion of a quantum state or a circuit. Instead, Q# implements programs in terms of statements and expressions, much like classical programming languages. Distinct quantum capabilities such as support for functors and control-flow constructs facilitate expressing, for example, phase estimation and quantum chemistry algorithms.
Q# can be used to write quantum algorithms, simulate them on classical computers, and then run them on actual quantum computers. Q# also provides a library of built-in quantum operations, such as quantum gates and measurements, that are used to manipulate qubits and perform quantum computations. Some key Q# features include:
For more information on Q#, visit the official Q# repository on GitHub.