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Azure Quantum Technical Blog

Evaluating cat qubits for fault-tolerant quantum computing using Azure Quantum Resource Estimator

by Mathias Soeken, Senior Software Engineer

and Elie Gouzien

Table of contents


This blog post highlights a recent collaboration between Microsoft and Alice & Bob, a French startup whose goal is to build a fault-tolerant quantum computer by leveraging a superconducting qubit called a cat qubit. In this collaboration, Alice & Bob uses the new extensibility mechanisms of Microsoft’s Resource Estimator to obtain resource estimates for their cat qubit architecture.


The Resource Estimator is a tool that can help evaluate the practical benefit of quantum algorithms. It calculates an estimate for the expected runtime and the number of physical qubits needed to run a given program under different settings of the target fault-tolerant quantum computer. The default settings of the resource estimator represent generic gate-based and Majorana-based qubits, unbiased planar quantum error correction codes (i.e., 2D layout for logical qubits assuming the same error rates for bit flip and phase flip errors) that support lattice surgery, and T factories that use multiple rounds of distillation (please refer to this paper for more details on these assumptions). These settings cover many quantum computing architectures, but they do not have complete flexibility for quantum architects to model various other important system architectures with different assumptions.


Microsoft is happy to announce that the Resource Estimator, which was made open source in January 2024, now has an extensibility API to model any quantum architecture and to modify all assumptions. To show how this extensibility API works, Microsoft and Alice & Bob demonstrate how it is used to model Alice & Bob’s cat qubit architecture, along with a biased repetition code, and Toffoli factories. The open-source example performs the resource estimation for elliptic curve cryptography described in Alice & Bob’s Physical Review Letters paper from July 2023.



Cat qubits have special error correction requirements because they exhibit a biased noise: they have several orders of magnitude less bit flips than phase flips. They use engineered two photon dissipation to stabilize two coherent states of the same amplitude and opposite phase, used as the 0 and 1 of the qubits. The Alice & Bob roadmap takes advantage of this asymmetry to simplify the error correction strategy. To achieve this however, the usual hierarchy of gates used in quantum computing has to be modified. As a first step, we need to build a gate set that protects this noise-biasing property. And then, from this set, they have to offer a universal set of fault-tolerant operations (note that the bias-preserving gate set is typically not universal, but sufficient to implement a universal gate set at the logical level). This work is carried in the article Repetition Cat Qubits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation and summarized in the figure below.


 A diagram comparing bias-preserving operations and fault-tolerant operations in quantum computing.


Alice & Bob’s architecture highlights the importance of extensibility in the Resource Estimator and the ability to override the pre-defined settings. The typical error correction code, used by the Resource Estimator, is the surface code, but cat qubits require a repetition code. The Resource Estimator assumes a “Clifford+T” universal gate set, while the gate set presented above for cat qubits is “Clifford+Toffoli.”


Implementation details

A flowchart illustrating the process of resource estimation in a quantum algorithm or quantum program.


The resource estimator, which is written in Rust, can be extended by using a Rust API. The main function of the resource estimator is to calculate the physical resource estimates for a logical overhead with respect to an error correction protocol, a physical qubit, and a factory builder. The interaction of these components is illustrated in the architecture diagram above. Each of these components are interfaces that can be implemented, which allows full flexibility. For instance, the resource estimator doesn’t have to know about the input program, or even the layout method. It only needs the logical overhead, which gives the number of logical qubits, the logical depth, and the number of needed magic states. Likewise, the implementations of the other interfaces provide information for the resource estimation. We will explain some aspects of the implementation in the remainder of this section but please refer to the example source code in GitHub for more details.


The error correction protocol in the Resource Estimator defines both the physical qubit and the code parameter that it uses. For most codes, the code parameter is the code distance, and finding a value for the code distance that ensures a desired logical error rate given a physical qubit is one of the main goals of the error correction protocol. The Alice & Bob architecture uses a repetition code with two parameters: distance and the average number of photons. The distance deals with the phase flip error and the number of photons must be high enough to avoid bit flip errors, so that the repetition code can focus on correcting only the phase flip errors.


A factory builder’s job is to make magic state factories that produce magic states with a certain maximum output error probability. The factories can be either pre-computed or they can be calculated as needed, when a new request is made. Also, they can use the error correction protocol and select their own code parameters to make the factories. For Alice & Bob’s architecture, the magic state that is produced is CCX and there’s a pre-computed list of Toffoli factories available (see also Table 3 in the paper).


We make two main assumptions about the input program: that it uses mostly CX (or CNOT) and CCX (or Toffoli) gates, and that they aren’t run in parallel, but each have their own cycle time (i.e., the number of needed error correction syndrome extraction cycles). With these assumptions, and the number of logical algorithm qubits before taking into account the layout, we can easily calculate the layout overhead as a function of the number of logical qubits and the number of CX and CCX gates. Moreover, the paper from Alice & Bob gives formulas to find values for these three metrics for the elliptic curve cryptography algorithm, and so the layout overhead can be generated as a function of the key size and some implementation details (such as the window size for windowed arithmetic). Moreover, we use the Azure Quantum Development Kit (QDK) to compute a logical overhead by evaluating a Q# program.


A scatter plot graph showing the relationship between runtime (in hours) and the number of physical qubits. 


The above graph compares the space-time trade-off of resource estimates using the resource estimator and the estimates from the paper. The paper reported a quicker solution that needed more qubits, while the resource estimator produced estimates with fewer qubits and a longer, but feasible, runtime. Note that the resource estimator does not automatically explore application specific parameters (such as window sizes for windowed arithmetic).


Next steps

You can try out and execute the Alice & Bob resource estimation example that uses Microsoft’s Resource Estimator. As it is open source, you can easily change the application input. The cost model that relies on CX and CCX gates is compatible with many logical resource estimation research papers in the literature, and therefore results from those papers can be quickly converted into physical resource estimates. Further, you can examine various Q# programs that are available in the Q# GitHub repository. We hope that the resource estimator gives you useful insights and helps your research; and we would welcome your feedback.